
A. Front Squat @ 10X0
1. x 4 reps
2. x 3 reps
3. x 2 reps
4. x 4 reps
5. x 3 reps
6. x 2 reps
7. x 6 reps
Rest 3 minutes between attempts. Do some upper-body mobility to prep for snatches.

B. Build to a heavy muscle snatch
C. Power Snatch 1.1.1 x 3 Results:
A. 1. 225
2. 235
4. 235
5. 245
6. 255
7. 215
B. 147#
1. 175 x 3
2. 185 x 3
3. 195 x 3 (last snatch was a squat not power)

Notes: Felt weak on the front squats and great on the snatches. 147 is a pr muscle snatch and 3 reps at 195 is pretty good for me. So all in all i am happy with today!

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